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Image by Balaji Srinivasan



Anchor 1

At OLLIT EXPEDITIONS we blend fine travel experiences connecting to the local places, people, nature, and culture to our travelers to give a holistic travel experience. Here is what they have to say....

Sowmya Raghavan (1).jpg

Sowmya Raghavan

Entrepreneur & Musician

OLLIT is an off-beat & truly one-of-a-kind travel company run by Nandini Cholaraju.

As someone who has been a part of their travels & treks I know for certain that Nandini's treks are authentic, hardcore, centered around nature, learning, and a lot of fun. She is a great teacher and has immense knowledge of travel, history of places, the architecture of sites we visit, people & culture.

From every trip we come back I have a sense of pride for having achieved something I never thought I would. Nandini's trips are very professionally planned - locations, itinerary planning, permissions, logistics of the travelers and items, safety & equipment, food, learning during the treks, and infinite adventures of course. Sometimes it amazes me on how she manages to so beautifully handle all this seamlessly.

Her job is a tough one and Nandini is a master at it.

She is a fabulous trek lead & also has an efficient team of trek leads who take good care of their travel groups.

The treks are offbeat and are meant for people to truly appreciate the raw & organic nature of such travels. As a bonus, the food on these travels is great! Nandini is not the one to give you a cup of instant noodles, you'll be amazed at how she manages to ensure the group is fed a healthy fulfilling meal every time. We all jointly work to pitch our camping tents & cook for the entire group, it helps me enjoy the true experience of real and no fluff travel.

Some of the locations I've been to with OLLIT are hidden gems and heavenly.
Through these treks, I have had the privilege of getting to know Nandini as a dear friend and I feel safe and extremely comfortable as a part of her travel group


Explorations webinar content is designed with an intention to give children a platform to :

 Explore their interest, skills and knowledge in Astronomy and Map reading (rarely taught subjects) and develop sense of direction, navigation,curiosity about the universe. Ignite  passion for geography and physics to be pursued as hobby or careers in the futures

Listen to unheard journeys of individuals and listen to stories  of passion, persistence, bravery, fear, valor, success, failure, friendships and passion for life.


Presenting "EXPLORATIONS" A Webinar series curated for 6 -12 grade children.

Explorations Webinar program entails :













Interactive sessions by experts on


Map Reading

Inspiring stories 

Map Reading

Listen to the fascinating stories of travel and adventure from individuals who share their external journeys and internal discussion
in an interactive
audio -visual session
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